Won't start on a Raspberry Pi 5

I have Intellij Ultimate, GoLand, and PyCharm running just fine on my raspberry pi 5.

However, Toolbox won't start up. 

The icon shows up in the menu bar, a window pops up, then closes, and the icon goes away.

No messages in the terminal, no log output that I can find.



 Please make sure that you have installed all necessary packages and downloaded the version according to the architecture (ARM64 or x86_64)

libfuse2 libxi6 libxrender1 libxtst6 mesa-utils libfontconfig libgtk-3-bin tar dbus-user-session

If this doesn't help, we know the following problem on the Raspberry Pi. Please also try the workaround described here



ok, so I did

sudo apt install libfuse2 libxi6 libxrender1 libxtst6 mesa-utils libfontconfig libgtk-3-bin tar dbus-user-session -y


toolbox still fails to start. I did notice that on reboot, its icon is in the menu bar, but when you click on it, the window opens, closes, and the icon vanishes.


I tried adding the mystery line:

export MESA_EXTENSION_OVERRIDE="-GL_ARB_invalidate_subdata"

to my .profile file.

The result is that after reboot, I get a login window on the GUI, but can't seem to log in. Doesn't like my password.

No idea what that line is supposed to do, but it didn't help. I had to ssh in the machine to remove that line.

Another reboot, and still, toolbox does not start.

It's not like this is a weird machine. Pretty sure its just a raspberry pi 5, with the latest raspberry pi 5 os.

Open to other suggestions.



ok, I've tried this with both Raspberry pi os and the new Ubuntu on a pi 5. Same results

toolbox acts like  its going to start, opens a window, closes it, silently.



Sorry for the delay in replying. Could you open a new issue in our bug tracker and attach the toolbox.log and toolbox-error-* if there are any files? (~/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/logs/) Thanks!


Sorry, but I have to piggyback on this issue because the JetBrains Toolbox is very important and useful for the two apps that I leverage through this utility (PyCharm Community & Android Studio) on my desktop. Unfortunately, I have the exact same experience as the OP when performing the installations on clean RPi4 & RPi5 computers.

I have stepped through the instructions several time (10+) but still remain unable to use the Toolbox on any of my RPi arm64/aarch64 platforms. Latest installation is:

OS: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) aarch64 
Host: Raspberry Pi 5 Model B Rev 1.0 
Kernel: 6.6.31+rpt-rpi-2712 

with all prerequisites mentioned by Tech Support and all update/upgrade operations are current. Please HELP. Thanks.



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