Why is the Toolbox not a real window?
Toolbox isn't a real window (on Windows 10 at least), it's more like a popup: you can't resize or move it and you can't have it non-focused as it will automatically close when you click somewhere else.
This is frustrating to me: I like to keep the download progress visible on eg. a second monitor, I'd like to be able to alt+tab into Toolbox, in short I'd like it to behave like every other program.
Why was the popup-like nature of Toolbox chosen? Is there any chance of this changing in the future?
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I have the same question as well, would be helpful to have it as a window in windows 10
Well, it's an architectural choice we made. Any changes in that behaviour in the current version of the product would require significant efforts. Unlikely it's going to be changed in the nearest future.
I'll echo this. The popup nature of Toolbox on Windows 10 is probably the only thing I can complain about with this application. Half of the time it does not collapse when I click away from it, and it stays on top of any windows I actually have focused -- really annoying.
I really wish this behaved like an actual window.
Very annoying
+1 to this as well. Hopefully it'll be changed at some point.
Ditto. On Linux, this is a window, and I hate the notifications of other apps (especially chat apps) popping up over it. It's also way down in the corner where eye strain is the greatest, which is an accessibility issue.
Just came across this, to me it seemings maddeningly horrible. I am curious was it user tested? Was it it made as an architectural choice because it made dev'ing it significantly easier? I am mainly asking out of curiosity about dev processes at a large software company. I am on a mac, cheers
On Mac, it is not a window too. It is soooo frustrating....
The Toolbox App team is currently working on the issue. Hopefully, we will release it until the end of the year. Please vote at https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/TBX-1276 to follow the progress.
Same to Mac. It is so annoying...
cost me a couple of minutes cause it is just against *EVERY* UI guideline and user intuition ever devloped. a real "what the ...?!" moment.
I just had to install ToolBox on MacOS because it is required for the Fleet Preview. Who on earth thought making this a popup that is not moveable and doesn't show in your dock while hiding behind other windows is a good idea? Absolutely mindblowing how awful the user experience is.
As a user who was really confused about this “architectural choice”, I came here to say that the freely available altdrag utility allows the toolbox window to be moved (alt + left mouse) and resized (alt + right click anywhere on the window)
I use this utility to mimic Ubuntu desktop's behaviour and it also helps with this annoying implementation. (Sorry to sound so grumpy but this is really a strange choice by a company who does very well in understanding the UX/DX )
It's 2024 and the problem is still a problem at least on Mac. Can't resize the window, can't move it.
This is soo annoying and inconvenient. I use external monitor connected to the laptop and I literally need to rearrange my physical desk, whenever I want to use this app. I've never seen such a poor design choice.
Could you please elaborate on what exactly is making you uncomfortable?
Is the app displayed on a different monitor than you expect, or do you have a wide monitor and don't feel comfortable reaching for the tray icon?
Also please specify which OS you are using. Thanks.
Hi, I saw that the previous comment from Ivan mentioned the tray icon. Is that the flow you're designing for? Opening from the system tray? I was opening from the start menu. (<Windows key> → type “toolbox” → <enter>) I was surprised when the Toolbox window disappeared when I alt-tabbed and the Toolbox application wasn't on the taskbar (I wanted to pin it). I don't open from the tray, as that's a tiny thing I have to click on. It seems there's different UI expectations or flows here.
I just started adopting JetBrains products (going to use CLion) and I downloaded the Toolbox app to manage updates and stuff. I think I'll use whatever update process there is in CLion instead of Toolbox
OS: Windows 11
Let's say we support the application's current look, but it is clear that everything changes and grows, and just the tray app is not enough. We are moving towards presenting a more user-friendly solution.
I just want to chip in and say that I really enjoy the current flow where I click the icon in the notification area to open and it closes when I click elsewhere. This is a tool window I only need to have open a few seconds at a time when I need to open a project or update a tool. Having this as a normal window that I would need to manually close would be a worse experience. I am on Windows 10/11
At the very least have it minimize either to the taskbar OR the system tray.
And, why does it take so long to open even after you have already opened it?
Now you have to open the start menu , find it, start it, nothing happens for a long while.
So you do something else while you wait, but then it immediately close , because you are clicking somewhere else.
…so you AGAIN have to open the start menu , and AGAIN find it, and AGAIN start it, and AGAIN nothing happens for along while.
So you AGAIN do something else while you wait, but then it AGAIN immediately closes , because you are clicking somewhere else.
So you AGAIN have to open the start menu…
Why not just make it work like literally every other piece of software?
You start it, …and it opens in a window.
And when you want it closed, you close it.
Same with the stupid search windows in intellij.
Why the extra special, never seen anywhere else, solutions to problems everyone else has solved decades ago?
Open a window - then close it when you want it closed.
Why mess with that?