How to uninstall Toolbox App?
To uninstall Toolbox App on Linux:
- Uninstall all applications installed in Toolbox App
- Uncheck 'Run at login' in Toolbox App settings or remove ~/.config/autostart/jetbrains-toolbox.desktop
- Exit Toolbox App
- Remove directory ~/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox with all its contents
- Remove file ~/.local/share/applications/jetbrains-toolbox.desktop
On Windows and macOS follow the standard software uninstall procedure.
Note: If you would like to Check for Updates... button in IDE work again perform the following steps:
- Inside the IDE go to Help-> Edit Custom VM Options.. and delete the following key:
- After that restart the IDE and try Check for Updates button again.
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Apparently this is an old issue and when following a link to the bug fix, it says closed. However, when I try to uninstall the Toolbox from Windows 10, I still get the error that Uninstall.exe can't be found.
Looking for C:\Users\<my_username>\AppData\Local\JetBrains\Toolbox\bin\Uninstall.exe I can see the file is indeed not present. Did the issue return?
Where does the Toolbox saves its own settings? I want to completely remove Toolbox and if I reinstall then I would expect it to start afresh. If I remove the above folders will it also wipe Toolbox's settings and account login.
So i have just realised that i am using 9 month old PHPStorm release because i have had toolbox on my pc in past and it broke PHPStorm's "check for update function" which made it so that i did not get notified of newer version (which needs to be downloaded manually) and that made me file an irrelevant bug report because the bug was fixed for months already.
Really broken toolbox uninstaller is a blocker. Such elementary thing as uninstalling must be working otherwise it is just a virus.
This article obviously needs manual uninstallation (system cleaning) steps for Windows and Mac. Really shouldn't have to be pointed out by the customers.
This application has strange properties:
1. Silently adds itself to autoloading
2. There is no simply way to unload it from memory
3. You have to use google to find path to uninstall it
Is this malware or trojan?
For anyone searching how to disable updates managed by toolbox (mentioned in the steps above) and be again managed by IDE itself, the parameter seems to have changed, so in `Edit Custom VM Options` remove line:
I installed a new version of Toolbox on Linux. The old one is still there, now I have both. Now to uninstall the old one, do I have to uninstall PhpStorm first? Then reinstall and re-setup? And that same procedure each time there is a new version of Toolbox?
@Ralf Longwitz, Could you please clarify how you installed the Toolbox app?
It is installed in a fixed path where the new version should have replaced the old one. There is no requirement to reinstall the IDE.
Ivan Kuzmin I don't know exactly. It's Linux on a Chromebook. I don't understand Linux, so I just google the commands, and I think I used what I found on your site. The new version installed in its own directory, the old version is still there. I found instructions on how to install Toolbox, but none on how to uninstall the old one. There are general instructions to be found, of course, about “remove”, “purge”, “autoremove”. But will this affect the new version? Dependencies?
And then, I'm still not sure why I need Toolbox at all. Why can't I just click update somewhere in PhpStorm, the way almost every other program does it?
“It's now been over 6 months since this issue was reported (missing Uninstall.exe) and it still isn't resolved.”
That comment from 2021 didn't age well.
Three years later the only way to uninstall the toolbox is to delete the folder and crosss fingers.
@David, could you please specify what the problem is with missing Uninstall.exe? In Toolbox App, it exists and works.